Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Time Lapse: The Plant

I felt that by choosing something stationary as my subject, I would be able to better illustrate the minute changes that occurred around it over the course of time. In observing how the images differed from one another, I saw how the changes encompassed within a few minutes was magnified by this concentration of photographs that were not so obvious to the eye without dissecting time in this manner. Although I was situated in the same place photographing for almost four hours, I only captured a total of 88 photos because I felt like the changes were not apparent enough and before realizing the differences were much larger than what I had perceived, time had passed and I could not retake the increments would have otherwise spoken more for their differences. This assignment helped to amplify how I should see the progression of time and exposed to me the understanding that the devil is truly in the details.

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